Sunday, 22 October 2017

Autumn crafts

Hi there readers. What have you been up to lately? I have been crafting, working, spending time with friends. I have taken up knitting again after a long time of not doing any, only to find out that I am not very good at it;) So, to make up for it, I am watching lots of videos on YouTube or visiting websites that help people like me:)) I am getting slightly better... I learnt to "increase" in knitting and also to change colour. I never really managed that before. My little girl is mad about slime and squishies. Her idea of crafting is somewhat different from mine,lol.

My daughter is doing a project on Egypt at school and we made a mummy and sarcophagus for her to take in. They loved it and put it on display for parents' evening:)

I wish you all a festive Halloween! See you soon for another post.

Sunday, 1 October 2017

What on earth...?

It's been cold and wet, it's been muggy and warm, at least too warm for the season...or has it? Maybe it's me having no recollection of the last eight winters.
Enough small talk! So things have been busy around here; Justine is in year 3 and eager to learn and demonstrate her independence, at work it's been hectic, as expected! All this left me very little time to write or for my other hobbies (you know I have plenty;)).
I have decided though that, for things to happen, I must make time. I was on my own this Saturday and thought I would only heat up a can of soup and eat it with the lovely little loaf I bought at the supermarket that afternoon. However, I changed my mind. Not entirely but I did spice up the dinner by making a delicious little stir fry of my own recipe. I will share it with you.
What shall I call it? "Bring on the heat stir fry"? Maybe that sounds too hot and some people will be put off by the name...let's not call it anything particular for the time being. Just try it when you can and let me know how you liked, or disliked, it.

You will need (meal for one):

A half bell pepper; red is best, cut in squares
5 salami slices, each cut in half (use chorizo slices if you have them)
2 small or 1 large chili pepper sliced lengthways
A handful of cherry tomatoes sliced in quarters, or 2 plum tomatoes sliced
A splash of soy sauce
A dash of oyster sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
One clove of garlic, minced

Fry all of the above in medium hot oil, starting with the garlic followed by peppers and then, a couple of minutes later, all the rest. Fry together, turning constantly to avoid burning the food, for about 3 minutes. Done.

If it takes your fancy, fry an egg in that same pan and eat it with the stir fry. The egg will taste of the mixture and this just takes the humble fried egg to a whole new level.

Grab yourself a crusty loaf, grill it and spread with luscious butter. Warm up some soup and eat the lot, together, dipping the pieces of bread in the soup and eating it as accompaniment to the stir fry.
