Saturday, 25 November 2017

Let your creativity run free

Hi guys!
How are we all? It's feeling properly like winter here in the south east of England; one figure temperatures (in degrees Celsius of course;)) most of the day. When it's chilly outside, it often means that we spend more time indoors, which is perfect for cooking comfort food (I know that often comes with a shedload of calories!), baking, crafting or watching movies cuddled up in a soft blanket.
I have been doing all of the above. Lol. Let me show you some of the things we made, Justine and me. As the saying goes, a picture speaks louder than a thousand words. So, here goes...

Fish curry with okras (ladies fingers)

Justine helping with cake decorating

                                      Paper origami lanterns to replace the fairy light covers

Citrus notebook made with felt and hot glue

Bracelet made using a knitting doll (french knitting)

Kiana, Justine's doll wrapped up warmly in her newly knitted scarf

The felt owl now has a warm scarf too:)

Justine's homemade squishy and clay sundae

As you can see, we have been busy in a good way. Today Justine is at her daddy and I always miss her when she's away but I know she will have a great time. I will keep you posted on what's happening in our partof the world, so check in when you have a spare minute.