Hello y'all. Hope you are all keeping well in places hot and lands so cold. Here in England, the winter has been pretty mild up to now. Christmas is fast approaching but we might be moving house soon so I refrained from putting up any decorations. We, my daughter and myself, think it will be better, in terms of layout in the new place. We'll see...:)
I am making this entry because I was astounded when realising I had not made an entry for such a long time.
It is still early here...about 7.50 am. We saw Santa yesterday at the Squires garden centre. It was brilliant! Justine got a gift but still thought she'd ask for a book and a bath fizzer shaped like a cupcake! Lol. Justine absolutely loves bathtime so I thought it was fair to allow her a treat.
I just got some interesting vouchers from the garden centre in my mailbox. Their vouchers are great; usually free drink or cream tea for two half price or something similar. This time of year, they sent some lovely Christmassy offers too.
Since the end of year involves lots of shopping, both for food and groceries as well as gifts, I think any way to save is helpful. Waitrose "pick your own" offers are hard to beat. You choose ten items on which you'd like to get 20% off every time you buy them; you don't have to buy all ten of them at any one time. You can periodically change the items, which is good.
Anyway, I better go and do something. I need to buy some groceries today and clean the house too. Have a great Sunday everybody. I will be back soon.